Show your faith by the things that you do.
Men are under siege in our generation. We are mocked openly through many different types of media, and sometimes even by our wives and children. We protectors, who stand for our families, are finding ourselves stripped of our authority and respect by a world that is being seduced by the spirit of Antichrist.
However, just as Moses was judged for striking the rock and Miriam was struck by leprosy when she challenged Moses, God takes His order seriously. One of the most important pictures God paints in our lives is the relationship between a man, his wife, and his children. In fact, one of the ten commandments of God states,
“Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.”
Exodus 20:12
We, as believers, must allow God to show these pictures through us so that we will be a light to this generation. If we become disrespectful of what God ordains, how then can we expect to be protected in our time of trouble?
Honor your husband
A Godly man is given to a Christian woman to be a protection over her. Therefore, because Jesus authors this situation, He gives wisdom from above to the man to exercise this calling. Likewise, when a woman willingly submits to her husband, supporting his calling and helping him where she can, God blesses her abundantly. Moreover, children, who respect and honor their father and mother prosper in life, simply because they adhere to God’s design.
What I see happening in our world is the near constant tearing down of patriarchal authority. It is the fashion of our age to despise men for being strong and masculine. What women, let alone children, benefit from destroying the very person who protects and provides for them? This makes no sense! Who would want to do that?
Women need men–and if you think otherwise, you are deceived.
As a woman, it is a mistake to think that you are beyond needing a man in your life to complete you. I have observed more than a few women who “go it alone,” and they do not prosper long term. They never become all that God made them to be. Of course, if it is not possible to have a mate, then our Father will help you through that, but for those who refuse a mate and believe they are beyond needing a man, they are already deceived.
If you have a man, count yourself blessed. In the days we are in you will be sheltered from much of the sin that abounds if you listen to God speaking through your husband. We are in the midst of strong delusion and if we cannot exercise basic submission to God through our relationships, we are already primed to follow after the Antichrist – because we are lawless.
Finally, it is not enough simply to put a Christian sign on your door and mouth Christian platitudes, we must also be Christlike. I refuse to fight with any woman or any young person for my position given to me by God, that is not where my focus needs to be. I should be praying and hearing God’s voice to prepare my family and others to be in the best place possible both spiritually and materially during these challenging times. To distract those God has put over you, to the point where they cannot focus on His voice, is folly.
What is the remedy?
Men: Love your wives, and be not bitter against them.
Women: Submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
Children: Obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord
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